Marty Middelmann: Miscellaneous Frivolity...

"Martinator" (Sometimes "Martin8r")...

Why not? It is a nickname I picked up sometime in the 90's. I forget from where, but it stuck. BTW: It's pronounced Maahtinator ;-)

Lucy Lawless says my name!

The pinacle of my geekdom :-) Battlestar Galactica Q&A with Lucy Lawless. Mine is the first question she answers.

Social Media Stuff

I have an Instagram account, (, basically to keep tabs on my daughter's Instagram Account. She then told me my Instagram was boring, so I've had to step up my game.

I have a general tumblr blog, (, with no clear mission or purpose. Except for a tool to repost my Instagram photos and push them to my Twitter, (@Martin8r), and FaceBook, (Sorry, Friends and Family only), profiles.

I also have a Periscope profile (via Twitter: @Martin8r ) @Martin8r.

I am not sure what to do with Periscope besides watch @DanicaMcKellar from "Wonder Years" fame. BTW, she is totally rocking Social Media.

I do plan on experimenting with some sort of Live Streaming of the 2016 Pan-Mass Challenge weekend via my "PMC Marty" account: @PMC_M8R

Martinator's Social Shorcuts